Nomad of Nowhere Wiki
Nomad of Nowhere Wiki

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Papa's not here anymore. Nobody with magic is here anymore. If we really are the last ones then it's up to us to stop the king!

Melinda is a character in Nomad of Nowhere. She made a cameo in "The Dreaded Nomad" before fully appearing in "The Witch and the Knight." She used to be the Nomad's companion.


Melinda is a young woman with orange hair and dark green eyes. She wears a long green robe with a brown belt around her waist and the sleeves of the robe tucked into small gray bracers. She wears gray pants that also tuck into green shoes.

When she was young, she wore her hair in a small ponytail.


Melinda was once a cheerful young girl, who enjoyed playing around. She became very distrusting and spiteful of the world following her father's death at the hands of El Rey's men. Eventually overcoming her feelings, she wandered the land of Nowhere, determined to find some way to bring an end to El Rey.

Despite her tough exterior, she is truthfully a caring and loving person.

She can also switch from her British accent to a southern accent when going into town.

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